
Let’s face it, no one likes to see those flashing red and blue lights in their rear-view mirror. But hey, it happens to the best of us. And if you’re reading this, chances are it’s happened to you in the Garden State, New Jersey. But fear not, this guide on fighting a traffic violation in New Jersey will help you navigate the legal highways and byways like a pro.

Fighting a Traffic Violation in New Jersey

Understanding the Basics

Before diving headfirst into the deep end, let’s get our ducks in a row. Understanding the basics of traffic laws and violations in New Jersey is the first step in successfully fighting a traffic violation.

New Jersey’s Point System

New Jersey operates on a point system. Every violation you commit adds points to your license, and if you rack up too many, you’ll be in hot water. Get the full rundown on this system to better understand your situation.

Types of Traffic Violations

Not all traffic violations are created equal. They range from the simple – like a parking ticket – to the serious, such as reckless driving. Knowing where your violation falls on this scale will shape your approach.

Preparing Your Defense

Know Your Charge

To fight a traffic violation in New Jersey, you must first fully grasp the charge against you. It’s like they say, “know thy enemy.” Consult the official citation and identify the specific law or regulation you’re accused of breaking.

Gathering Evidence

Evidence is the backbone of any defense. This could include traffic camera footage, witness testimonies, or even your own recollections. Start gathering this as soon as possible to avoid losing crucial data. If you hire an attorney one of the first things they should do is request discovery.

Hiring a Traffic Lawyer

While you could go it alone, it’s often a good idea to have a savvy traffic lawyer in your corner. They’ll know the ins and outs of the legal system and can advise you on the best course of action. It is important to select the right traffic attorney so that you will have the best possible change of receiving a favorable outcome. Our traffic attorneys know their way around the process and will be able to resolve the matter in a way that minimizes repercussions of getting a traffic ticket.

Navigating the Legal Process

Court Proceedings

If you decide to plead not guilty, you’ll likely find yourself in court. This can be a daunting prospect, but understanding the process can make it less intimidating.

Plea Bargaining

In most cases, a plea bargain might be your best bet. This is where you agree to plead guilty to a lesser charge in exchange for a lighter sentence. It’s not always the right choice, but it’s worth considering. Often the prosecutor will offer a charge that has less points or no points at all.

Trial and Verdict

If you and your lawyer decide to fight the charge, you’ll go to trial. Here, the evidence will be presented, and a judge or jury will decide your fate.

Dealing with the Aftermath

Point Reduction Programs

If you’ve ended up with points on your license, don’t despair. New Jersey offers point reduction programs that can help clean up your driving record. You can take a defensive driving course and remove up to two points at a time.

Insurance Implications

Traffic violations can cause your insurance rates to skyrocket. Understand the potential implications and explore ways to mitigate this. The costs associated with increased insurance rates usually far exceed the cost of an attorney and the fines from the ticket. The Stabile Law Firm specializes in minimizing the points assessed which will keep your insurance rates down.

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